For The Boys


Symbiotes LLC: Who’s in YOUR Brain?. According to Merriam-Webster, symbiosis is “the intimate living together of two dissimilar organisms in a mutually beneficial relationship.” Symbiotes LLC is dedicated to providing clients with positive resources, so they can face any learning challenge. Current projects: Helping learners to succeed with science, math, writing, history, and standardized test prep.


Learners of all kinds need positive inside voices. Technology can unpredictably render incomprehensible error messages, and common assignment instructions can appear as counter-intuitive. Through the efforts of Symbiotes LLC, students rapidly become independent learners.


The visionary of Symbiotes LLC, Kat Murray, is an adult version of most “hesitant learners,” who need to address self-doubt and anxiety, when learning something new.

Kat Murray is a former Information Science Professor, who has invested time into making technology accessible to learners of all kinds.

Kat Murray understands the limits of Assistive Technology when it comes to modern learning, and can quickly troubleshoot even the most daunting tech snafus.


Kat Murray helps parents to think about how to connect better with their children, and she also is a general knowledge expert in many K-12, undergraduate and graduate tutoring topics. She can accelerate a child’s learning through trouble-shooting parent-child disconnects, and through helping a child understand his/her learning style.


Kat devotes her time to researching what the pandemic has done for learning loss, and how to leverage her experiences with accelerated learning instruction to help students get on grade level.

What is the educational future you envision for your child?

Does your child have a career focus, yet?

What kinds of hobbies does your child enjoy?


“Kat truly gets to know her students at a deep level. We were lucky to have her as a tutor.” Louise S.

“What can I say about Kat? She supported my son from 8th grade through college. Her ability to speak his language caused immeasurable gains, that he uses today in his successful career as a business analyst.” Lu-Ann P.

“Kat helped our daughter to get a perfect score on an advanced math test, and she was instrumental in helping our daughter overcome some learning loss to excel in her Physics and Calculus classes.” Tony D.